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Protecting Those We Love & Serve Means Returning Carefully


As vaccinations and other successful measures taken to mediate COVID-19 have come to fruition, we are gradually returning to our normal activities of worshipping and ministering to those we've been called us to serve at Silvercrest at Deer Creek. 


What this means: BVCC is resuming certain ministry, mission and chaplaincy functions with an abundance of cautious care. We rejoice in the opportunity to worship, be in community, participate in mission projects and plan for expanding our much needed chaplaincy – albeit with all due precaution. All seekers are welcome to join  Pastor Lois in a Facebook Live Worship at 11:00 a.m. Residents and a limited number of BVCC vaccinated congregants may also participate in an in-person  worship at this time. The FaceBool Live worship video may be experienced at your convenience on our Facebook Page 


For further information, prayer requests, conversation or to keep informed, visit this site, BVCC's Facebook page or contact Pastor Lois to be added to our e-Community.


Staying in Touch: BVCC continues to connect with residents and staff to let them know they are important and that their lives have meaning and value. Through Pastor Lois, we are sending greeting cards and occasional cookie treats or lunch for the staff. 

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