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2020 Senior Adult Chaplaincy Internship Program
HCC partnered with Silvercrest to provideHalloween treats for children and adults served by Micah Ministries in downtown Kansas City; collected toys for indigent children's Christmas; hosted a Christmas carol sing-along; and a Longest Night worship service.
Don't miss our coming events:
Weekly Worship Sunday @ 11:00 a.m.
Women of faith
1st & 3rd Thursdays @1:00pm in the Library (2nd floor).
Women of faith gather to bolster their spirituality and relationships through a book study and conversation, Now available in-person or via Zoom. Contact Pastor Lois for a Zoom link
Tool time for men
Wednesdays @ 6:30 am
Join men who rise early to get their day started exploring their faith and spirituality through reading and conversation via Zoom. To participate, request a link.
Other events:
HCC made the holidays brighter for families in need
Hillcrest Christian Church and Silvercrest residents delivered holiday greetings and gifts to indigent children and their parents through Micah Ministries/.
Silvercrest &
HCC partnered with Shawanoe Elementary
Sponsoring a book-a-month program was just the beginning of a beautiful new partnership with a second grade class at the Title 10 school. Can't wait till we can safely resume our relationship as schools resume.
Back to School Backpack Project
Join in partnering with Silvercrest residents and BVCC members to make sure indigent children have the supplies needed for school success. Bring new school supplies to Silvercrest by August 26 or click on the DONATE button below.
Pet Bean Bag Mission
One of our favorite mission projects:
Filling bean bags with rice or beans to provide warmth and comfort to rescue pets.
Our Heroes
We like to show our appreciation to the caring professionals who make such an important contribution to residents' lives. Best Regards Bakery is our community partner.
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